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Enfield Pageant of Motoring 2013

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 7:37 pm
by Seth
Where do I start. I'm beginning to get a bit disappointed by this show. Up until a couple of years ago it had one of the best autojumbles of any event. Even after the advent of Ebay, often blamed for diminishing trade, it was always chock full of old car parts to rummage through. Now half the plots seem to be empty by the final day and many of those remaining had almost zero old car content and were just full of car boot sale chod. The show bit itself has also shrunk. Some years ago, as well as lots of full club stands, there would be rows of individual 'day trippers' demarcated by era. Now there were probably only about 50 classics that were not part of a club display. I can't grumble too much as for the last couple of years I've been given a car pass by the Borgward club so that has gotten me free entry and its only about 10 miles from home so doesn't even cost much to get to in juice. Maybe the Saturday or Sunday were better? Perhaps Amazo will be able to tell us.

On with the pics.

Chrome MG dipstick a nice detail on this B-diesel. The gearbox appeared to have an overdrive?!

I bought a small pile of '60s Motorports from this vendor who had a Beetle with the correct wheels.

8 wheels on my wagon. I've only had a quick look but I'm not sure whether this is genuine/recreation/modern one off.

Tasty red Italian car.

Alfa guys probably thought I was odd, walking from that past the Spyders etc to this.


I considered altering this photo to add 'Ian' but decided I couldn't be bothered.

MAGGIE. You'll always be in our hearts.


There was a nice four-some of Metropolitans.


I wanted to know what the 'etc' was. Drugs maybe?




WHY? #1

WHY? #2

Don't normally take this sort of front on shot but because SPECCY


Genuine fake wood.

Ickle Seth likes Minis. (Note skirt made by a colleague of Mrs_Seth.) I missed the opportunity of getting a photo of her taking a photo of a slightly tatty Ford Prefect while completely ignoring the tasteful* custom van opposite (with bloke dressed up as a pirate) that had about a dozen people looking at it/him.

My hat is doffed to this bunch of Dutch A30/A35 drivers. All were LHD.

Also from Holland was this combo. Can you see the best bit(s) in this photo?

Here let me help you. Best for seeing the entire planet as it is held up by you.

Saw this photographed elsewhere (on the beige/blue?) recently.

Another baby Austin, beautiful and not over the top restoration.


Finally this caught my eye. Surely some mistake? Classic Ford PINT OF STELLA crawl would be more appropriate?

Re: Enfield Pageant of Motoring 2013

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 8:34 pm
by Leonard Hatred
Some great stuff there, laughed out loud at the massive extended mirrors.

What's the piping for next to the B series diesel, is it powering a bilge pump or something?

Re: Enfield Pageant of Motoring 2013

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 9:10 pm
by brammy
I went there yesterday and it was pretty decent, the field looks a bit emptier than I remember it being...but that ace 'Rolla was not present! Gotta say though, the autojumble bit seemed a tad weird with the 'discount' duvet sets for sale, NO THANX.
I too also made a habit of just taking photos of the unmodified stuff generally from the 80s and I bet everyone judged me something fierce, WHO CARES.

Re: Enfield Pageant of Motoring 2013

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2013 12:17 pm
by Jon
That 33 looked nice at initial glance and then absolutely AMAZING when I saw it was a sportwagon; such a beauty. For extra nerd points, is that Hiace van sitting on Mitsouka Viewt wheels? If not, then something from that crazy Nissan Be-1, Figaro, S-Cargo era but I can't think what.


Soz for pic repost but I really like this photo. The right hand side of the image looks like a professional photograph of a classic car show (circa 1991) for some slice-of-life type coffee table book. Admittedly, it's somewhat ruined by the square ass of the lady to the left though.... :D

Re: Enfield Pageant of Motoring 2013

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:17 pm
by Seth
Len, that did look a bit like a bilge pump next to the engine but they weren't connected together in any way.

Bramm, yeah I guess there could have been more cars on show on the Sunday but it seemed a bit odd not being quite so busy on the Monday given how good the weather was. I have a feeling it suffers from everyone having to be pre-entered. I bet the car park was rammed with quality chod.

Jon, you might be right on those wheels I hadn't given it that much thought but they do look like they could be off a retro Japanese car.

Re: Enfield Pageant of Motoring 2013

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:19 pm
by Jonny69
The show might have been crap, but you made it look good with the pictures. I saw that engine on the back of a Transit going round the M25 a few weeks ago. I couldn't work out what all the horizontal spark plugs were all about (I didn't know it was a diesel) and the pump thing was also next to it, so I was rubbernecking to try and work out what it all was.

Re: Enfield Pageant of Motoring 2013

PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 4:24 pm
by angrydicky
All the Dutch Austins were at the A30/35 club National at Winchester over the weekend, they must have stopped off on Monday on the way home. Funnily enough, the A55 MK1 wasn't wearing those ridiculous mirrors when I looked round it at Winchester. Lovely folk the Dutch group, and very enthusiastic about all things Austin. There were actually a few more Dutch cars there that didn't go to Enfield, including a pickup.