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American/Rod night at the Ace Cafe - June

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:03 pm
by Seth
Another event that used to be better in the old days. I am clearly getting old. But it was though.

Rather than being welcoming to all sorts of rods and customs pretty much regardless of base car the car park now fills up with lots of standard fairly boring to me American cars, at least in part due to the gate keepers having no clue about the scene. A cool lowered VW trekker was turned away and while the guy parked opposite for five minutes I think he then was peeved enough to give up and go home.

Anyway, here's some of the SCAT worthy pics.


Old cars are rubbish etc.

Warp speed postal service.

The cops kept an eye on proceedings.

Hows about this then?! PB Cresta estate.

This is the bloke that fitted the windscreen in the Hillman.

Wonderfully honest Beetle.

Rootes action to close.

Others here.

Re: American/Rod night at the Ace Cafe - June

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:48 am
by Jon
Am I right in thinking there weren't any early Mustangs present? A physical impossibility I suspect at any US oriented [sic] car meet, so congratulations for somehow avoiding them. That Vauxhall estate is as lovely as the stickers on the Meriva are incongruous.

Is there any way you could volunteer to be the gate keeper to help improve things?!

Re: American/Rod night at the Ace Cafe - June

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:27 pm
by Vulgalour
Turning away a Trekker seems a bit odd, VW aimed the Thing at the US market and that's effectively the same thing. I'm guessing the Beetle and the dune buggy were permitted entrance since they got photographed.

Re: American/Rod night at the Ace Cafe - June

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:47 pm
by angrydicky
That A40/50 needs some hubcaps and proper suspension.